El 24/6/22 a les 17:27, Werner Pamler via lazarus ha escrit:

Ah, of course. (I thought I had searched for "Register" in unit graphics...). Now I saw that Vampyre also uses these TPicture class methods to finally register their formats for TPicture. Thus, everything should be fine.

No, it isn't: it doesn't find the class when reading. When you copy and paste a TImage you'll have a stream read error, as well as when reopening the project.

But still the situation is not very satisfying.

Yes, I find it suboptimal that the picture format can be hijacked without adding a dependency on the needed package to correctly read it back. Of course it's my fault since I installed it in the ide without a real need, but I still think there's something wrong.

First observation after installing VampyreImagingPackageExt (the other package, VampyreImagingPackage, has no registration unit): I add TImage to a form and load the Lazarus "paw" to it. Works fine at designtime, but at runtime the image is empty. As the OP already noted Vampyre's TImagingPNG class is not found. This is because the Vampyre formats are registered only at designtime, but not at runtime of a project.

It doesn't even work at designtime (see above).

Luca Olivetti
Wetron Automation Technology http://www.wetron.es/
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