On Sun, 30 May 2010, Dimitri Smits wrote:

Waldo Kitty wrote:
On 5/28/2010 05:03, Bee Jay wrote:
On 27 Mei 2010, at 18:56, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

I don't think we will do this. It will require too many changes.

Yes, I've seen the code. fpWeb has a very tight dependency to other fcl 
packages. Poor Delphi people. ;)

serve's'em right... what's that old saying? ya get what ya pay for? i think getting a whole lot more for free is much better... wonder what it costs to get the full sources to delphi? :lol: :P

where everybody gets the idea that Delphi does not provide web frameworks, I 
don't get. Websnap, other frameworks, standard Apache mod projecttypes 
(templates) for 1.3, 2.0 and 2.2, CGI...

and that was just in D7 already!

God (and Delphi 2010 buyers) know(s) what they have in there nowadays!

Intranet, which existed in D5 days already.

On the other hand, why anybody would want to develop new webapps (on new
db's) in delphi or fpc for that matter seems a bit like a
one-tool-in-my-toolbox mindset.  "If all you have/know is a hammer, every
problem looks like a nail."

There are other languages far more suited for webdevelopment! PHP, Perl,
Ruby(-on-rails), java, silverlight.net,

The idea that this has anything to do with the language is a fallacy.

There are no inherent concepts in Ruby, Python PHP that make them
inherently better than pascal, other than that they are a) interpreted.
b) are delivered by default with the OS.
and these have nothing to do with the language by itself.

I know (Object) Pascal for 25 years. I solve problems in no time using this language, because over 25 years my toolbox is well
stacked, and I continuously improve mysel.

The web is just another a problem I also wish to tackle using this toolbox.

If I had to buy a new toolbox for every new problem, I would have been
bancrupt a long time ago.


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