Ludo Brands wrote:
/Very/ well done :-) Please do write it up, particularly if you have a record of what libraries you had to pull in (SFW or whatever).

This is the procedure to get lazarus trunk and fpc trunk up and running
starting from a clean system (adapt to your processor, I'm on x86):

-Get and install fpc 2.4.4 from

-Install following packages from This is a long
list because gnu binutils, make, subversion (a lot of dependencies) and gtk2
Can you update us on how this works on SPARC? If that goes well, I'll turn
this into a wiki page.

I think it would be worth knocking that into a wiki page, then when I've got time I can either write a parallel one for SPARC or annotate yours.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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