On 07/25/2011 01:16 PM, Michael Schnell wrote:
> Sill me. Of course I need to recompile the docview project.

Yes, I don't supply binaries in the repository.

> Buit after doing this I in fact can start the new docview as a stand 
> alone executable, but it does not show when I start it as an external 
> tool in Lazarus :(.

I believe you triggered the error I fixed 2 minutes ago. :) The fpGUI
framework handles some "global" command line parameters. DocView then
also handles its own set of command line parameters. I did not handle
such cases very well, and DocView could have silently crashed out. With
the recent commits I have hopefully fixed this now.

Please get a repository update and try again.

In future, the Lazarus mailing list admin [that's not me], would
appreciate it if you post fpGUI specific questions in the fpGUI support
newsgroup - instead of here in the Lazarus mailing list. Though I guess
using DocView with Lazarus IDE and an alternative help viewer makes this
subject a bit of a grey area.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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