On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 9:23 PM, Marco van de Voort <mar...@stack.nl> wrote:
> Then you will also see that your Office counterexample is irrelevant, since
> app store rules don't apply to Office. (but they do to nearly everybody
> else).

I am not aware of any app store rule that says that people need to use
native controls and cannot use controls which merely immitate native
ones. I think that I would have heard if Qt apps were prohibited in
the Mac app store for example, remember that Qt is not native.

So please show the rule which prohibits custom drawn apps (seriously,
it would be something interresting to know if it exists). If there is
no such rule, then your entire point makes no sense, since it
presuposes such a rule.

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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