To change one thing in Lazarus is a torture

some time ago was requested to implement an option where (on Linux) the TForm stay over the Code Editor (as in Windows). Add an option for anyone who so desire. Even today, years have passed, and this option does not exist.

It sounds like a joke but it is a truth, rsrsrsrs

Em 04-12-2012 02:59, Felipe Ferreira da Silva escreveu:
I would like to propose and discuss about a new graphical user interface for the next major releases. Nowadays, most of the RAD tools use a docked interface(MonoDevelop, Delphi, VS), and in some cases they are stylish(like the recent Visual Studio versions). I think that a better-looking IDE would not just make the programming task more pleasant, but also could attract more people to Pascal.

I know about the existence of AnchorDocking package for a docked IDE, but I think that if such feature were built-in, the IDE could be improved with appropriated features for a docked app - and since the forms would be still undockable, the user could switch back to the "Delphi7-like" interface.

My propose is ask if you guys would mind if I work on some projects with a different interface and made in Lazarus(of course) to you evaluate. I'm good at create components and customize to give them a stylish appearance like in the case of VS. But I would like to know from you guys first.

*- Felipe*

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