On 04/12/2012 05:59, Felipe Ferreira da Silva wrote:
I would like to propose and discuss about a new graphical user interface for the next major releases. Nowadays, most of the RAD tools use a docked interface(MonoDevelop, Delphi, VS), and in some cases they are stylish(like the recent Visual Studio versions). I think that a better-looking IDE would not just make the programming task more pleasant, but also could attract more people to Pascal.

I know about the existence of AnchorDocking package for a docked IDE, but I think that if such feature were built-in, the IDE could be improved with appropriated features for a docked app - and since the forms would be still undockable, the user could switch back to the "Delphi7-like" interface.

My propose is ask if you guys would mind if I work on some projects with a different interface and made in Lazarus(of course) to you evaluate. I'm good at create components and customize to give them a stylish appearance like in the case of VS. But I would like to know from you guys first.

While I personally use the floating approach, I am all for getting a finished, and excellent docking solution.

Not that I have a problem, if it has to go into the IDE, I find the package based approach more desirable. (e.g. I have actually plans to move existing stuff, like the debugger, out of the IDE into a package). Packages mean code separation (even more than units), and therefore better maintainability, and test-ability (if automated tests are written / automated test on the IDE itself, are a constant source of pain, I know, I maintain one).

Moving it to a package, does not necessary mean to do it, without changes in the IDE. The necessary methods can always be added to IDEIntf.

Anyway, "improved with appropriated features": Which ones do you think can not be done in a package? (Assuming that all needed methods and hooks, are added to IDEIntf)?

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