On 08/02/2013 07:10 PM, Richard Mace wrote:
On 2 August 2013 09:12, Michael Schnell <mschn...@lumino.de <mailto:mschn...@lumino.de>>wrote:

    On 08/01/2013 05:20 PM, Richard Mace wrote:

        ... as many of my users will have never even seen a Linux
        command line before :)

    What exactly are you up to?

    We still don't know how the targeted setup is supposed to be.

     - a Windows computer in a company network that can access a Linux
    box in the server room with the IT department managing the
    installation of any software on trhe users desktop
     - you send your software to a dummy user somewhere in the world
    and he is supposed to install and run it and access a Linux box
    via the Internet.

I need it to be as standard and easy as possible to copy files to and from a Windows box to a Linux server, one that has been freshly built for the task., and would have probably have been built by an IT gut that would be able to make sure that SSH is configured through the firewall. I'm expecting that most of the time, the Linux box will be on the local network, so ssh should be fine. If I went down the samba, I would need additional configuration setup, which could put barriers in the way of using my software for no reason?

    With the first obviously CIFS (aka Samba) is the way to go: Easy
    stuff, as you program just calls the file operations provided by
    the RTL.

    With the second example "easy software" s not really possible:
     - at best only your program should be installed and no additional
    components such as Putty, VPN, dlls done in C, ... should be
    necessary to be installed and no manual setup of SSH key should be
    that means the complete protocol should be managed by (Pascal)
     - the user might sit behind a firewall that forbids any protocol
    other than the use of of HTTP(S) and requires the use of a proxy
     - if you need encryption (such as HTTPS) you supposedly need an
    SSH key provider server (either locally on the Linux box or
    "officially certified")

    In that case I recommend using http (or https) upload (AFAIK, this
    is available with Synapse).
    Of course here you need to configure the Linux box to have a HTTP
    server and provide the upload service.


I have currently got SSH working, by creating a TProcess in Lazarus and calling pfstp to copy the file to and from the Linux box, and the pslink to run a command on the Linux box.

Where do "pfstp" and "pslink" come from ?

It would be great to see these (or similar stuff) in TCP/IP libraries such as Synapse.

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