DoDi Thank you very much, You explain much better then me :)
Main problem constructor not finished construction, I mean how to handle Self(TExLookUp) construction is finished? I have to wait, when self(TExLookUp) has created, and load self's properties loaded from, form resources (from .lfm) , then I can to use TExLookUp's properties, for child control, or some one else I need similar a "TExLookUp.creatED" event, so I can now, class created and ready for use. This is not importend just my this component, other example,
was write previous message:

  TxItem = class(TCollectionItem)
  FName : string;
  property Name : string read Fname write Fname;
constructor Tx.Create(Collection: TCollection);
  inherited Create(Collection);
FName := 'XItem' + IntToStr(Index); --> FName is Item's name, TCollection.Index is always 0(zero). Collection added, so it has a index number from TCollectionItem, but TCollection not known this. I need unique FName, and "Index" property. I can get index if TCollection.CreatED;

@DoDi: "TExLookUp.OnCreate handler" how to add this? if add it my self, where to triggered or its just example "AFAIK" what mean this word? english is not mine language, I'm using dictionary while writeing message.
Thank you

I hope I can translate my problem about create method

05-03-2014 08:29 tarihinde, Hans-Peter Diettrich yazdı:
FreeMan schrieb:
constructor TExLookUp.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
begin inherited Create(AOwner);
  Self.OnChange := @EditChange;
set more Self properties here!

  FGrid := TRxDBGrid.Create(Self);
  FGrid.Parent := Self.Parent;
  FGrid.Left := Self.Left;
  FGrid.Top := Self.Heigh + 10;
  FGrid.Width := 150;
  FGrid.visible := False;

Please remember that you are in the TExLooUp constructor. Finish initialization of this component, before assigning Self.whatever to the FGrid.

When the TExtLookUp is initialized from the form resource, you have to wait until this has been done. In this case I'd move the FGrid related part into the TExLookUp.OnCreate handler, which AFAIK is called *after* the TExtLookUp has been created and fully initialized.

Or put the code into ExtLookUp.SetParent, as Mattias suggests. But this solution depends on the order, how the TExtLookUp properties are initialized from the form resource. When Parent is set before Left, Height etc., this solution doesn't work either.


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