FreeMan schrieb:
DoDi Thank you very much, You explain much better then me :)
Main problem constructor not finished construction, I mean how to handle Self(TExLookUp) construction is finished? I have to wait, when self(TExLookUp) has created, and load self's properties loaded from, form resources (from .lfm) , then I can to use TExLookUp's properties, for child control, or some one else I need similar a "TExLookUp.creatED" event, so I can now, class created and ready for use.

Right. Perhaps Loaded() is what we are looking for. Override it in your component and add the creation of the other control to it.

@DoDi: "TExLookUp.OnCreate handler" how to add this? if add it my self, where to triggered or its just example

Add you handler to the component, and in the constructor install it:
  OnCreate := @MyOnCreateHandler;

"AFAIK" what mean this word? english is not mine language, I'm using dictionary while writeing message.

As Far As I Know


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