Il 23/06/2014 15:07, Michael Schnell ha scritto:
On 06/23/2014 02:04 PM, Giuliano Colla wrote:
The first step will be to take care of GUI design. Runtime code will come later on.

What is the benefit of providing an alternate GUI designer vs. using the one that Lazarus offers ?

If you just read the beginning of this thread you get your answers.

In a few words:

Lazarus designer, as it is, is an LCL designer, aware only of LCL units, classes and properties.

In order to use it with a non LCL widgetset one must add a Mediator, aware of the new widgetset units, etc. But currently duplicates aren't allowed. Meaning that a different widgetset cannot contain units or classes with the same name of an LCL counterpart. Therefore an extension is required, to allow duplicates, and to decide which one to use and when.

Moreover widgets must be designer aware: you increase the width property, and the widget must become wider. LCL widgets already are, others must be adapted to take advantage of Lazarus Mediator, Designer etc.

Of course a lot of the current Designer code will be reused, because it's stupid to reinvent the wheel, but a lot of adaptation is also required.


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