On 10.09.2015 00:26, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
On Thu, 10 Sep 2015 00:13:24 +0200
Ondrej Pokorny <laza...@kluug.net> wrote:

2.) The visibility is controlled by the fact if the package is open or
not. The desktop cannot reopen packages, obviously.It doesn't store the file 
info of the package. It is also not expected.
Why not?
The window has the name PackageEditor_ToDoListLaz, so you have the
package name. That is all you need to load the package.
Ok, then it is possible to reopen a package. But still I don't think reopening/closing of packages on desktop change is a good idea. A package is kind of "project" and should be completely independent on desktop, the same like the active LPR project is. Imagine e.g. that you (accidentally) save a debug desktop with a package. Should it be reopened every time you start debugging?

Again, the above applies to non-docked environment. Packages are a
problem in the docked environment. When you change the desktop, there is
a docked package and there is no docking information about it in the new
desktop, where should it be placed? IMO, it has to be detached from the
dock and placed in a window.

Now it gets closed.
What if the package was modified?

I don't know what happens now with the closed package but the fact is that it should not get closed.

This problem was always there. Saving/loading of the docked environment wasn't changed. The missing functionality just came up now because the desktops are going to be used much more often than the save/load function from AnchorDocking.

Maybe it is easier to
disable docking capabilities for packages. Then the docked environment
would just ignore them.

I am not using AnchorDocking personally so somebody else should care of
the problems in AnchorDocking.
I will wait til the dust has settled.

Great, thanks!


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