Am Dienstag, den 18.04.2006, 14:27 -0700 schrieb johnf:
> Yes, it is true if my user opens 10 forms I will have ten 
> connections and if I have 100 users I will have 1000 connections open.  This 
> of course sounded like a lot.  But then I realized that today Postgres can 
> handle thousands of connections without issue.  In fact 1000 connections uses 
> only 50K of extra ram.  With todays fast CPU's controlling 1000 connections 
> is nothing.  But what about the time to open each connection?  On a LAN I 
> doubt it amounts to much.  On my LAN we are talking about micro-seconds per 
> connection (at least that is what is reported in the log).  But on a dial-up 
> - Maybe!  So in the end I guess it really doesn't matter.

Thanks to your report I see no problems in the number of connections at
all but I fear design trouble in writing the persistance layer in a way
independant from the database without having too much code dealing with
a special kind of database - but that was only a dream, I think. ;)

>   BTW in my app I 
> doubt if my users will have ten forms open at the same time.  Also in my app 
> I close the connection each time I close a form.  One nice thing as result of 
> using a connection per form - I no longer attempt to control the locking in 
> anyway.  I let Postgres use it's record locking schema.  I just use a try to 
> catch the error if there is a locking issue.  So far I can not create any 
> locking issues even in code.  Postgres is faster than I can update the data.  

I'll have to deal with multiple transactions, sort of bulk updates
together with XML-RDB-mapping, this will be important when coupling to
the client app(s) has to be done. But all of this is in it's early
planning stages, I haven't evaluated native XML databases yet.

> Hope this helps!

It does, thank you.


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