Ok, then  what about that score:

"hello world"    1 %
          GTK   98 %
          GTK2  90 %
          Win32 99 %
          QT    10 %

Right now Laz/linux comes with GTK by default. I supose that we will do
a transition to GTK2 (or QT) at some point. Are we? When and how is that
going to hapen?

This is just a naive question in order to understand better what is
going on. I like GTK very much but I know that it is being replaced by
GTK2 also that QT is very good. I am just  a simple user and I will use
anything that works well and is open source pascal. I do not know much
about those matters and would like to read your comments. 


In Linux we thrust


On Tue, 2006-04-18 at 22:14 +0200, Micha Nelissen wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Apr 2006 15:57:30 -0400
> Alain Michaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What is the status of development of the various widgetsets?
> > 
> > Let's assume that 100 % will be the level of a stable version and 50 %
> > is the level required for a simple "hello world" application. Would that
> Hmm, 50% for hello world is not realistic. Getting a hello world to work is
> *very* easy. I mean it! :-). Getting all the details with button clicks,
> mouse moving, keyboard presses/releasing, menus, painting, and all that
> working well takes a *lot* of time. I'd say hello world is more like 0.5%
> or so. If you got lazarus and the examples running, and looking somewhat
> "ok", then you're like 20-25% of the way. As always in software development,
> the final "perfections" take the most time ;-). But it's also only then,
> that the real value, the beauty, appears.
> Micha
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