
I am creating a custom component and need to draw Arc's and Ellipses.
I place the custom component on the form and make it square (H:150, W:150).
I then found that drawing the Arc's and Ellipses are off to the right.
I then added debug code to my component, to print the components
Canvas.Width property and it shows 316 instead of the expected 150!
The 316 is my Form's width and not the components width.

I am using the latest Lazarus from SVN (rev 9600) under Ubuntu Linux
with GTK1 widget set.

Anybody else experience this issue?

--------- Paint method  --------------
 X := 1;
 Y := 1;
 W := Canvas.Width-1;
 H := Canvas.Height-1;

[ ... ]

 Canvas.TextOut(10, 10, IntToStr(W));


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Attachment: Screenshot-Form1.png
Description: PNG image

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