On Fri, 18 Aug 2006 16:55:17 +0000
Mark Morgan Lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> > fpc -va test.pas | grep "unit path"
> > 
> > To avoid localization:
> > fpc -Fr/path/to/your/fpc/compiler/msg/errore.msg \
> >   -va test.pas | grep "unit path"
> OK, noted. Whatever, going back to my original problem I don't think
> that localisation or cross-compiler issues are relevant. I've got a
> clean 2.0.4 running on SPARC, generating SPARC code, which compiles
> Lazarus (described as 0.9.16 beta in the about box). So in other
> words Lazarus is almost OK on SPARC, with exception problems as I
> described.

  CALLEDBYTIMER=false) at gtkwinapiwindow.pp:698

Please check if the line numbers are correct:

696:      if (WidgetStyle<>nil) 
697:      and (Widget^.Window<>nil)
698:      and (Width>0) 
696:      and (Height>0) 

The Width is accessed some lines in front.
Maybe a compiler bug?
Add some writelns and find out what pointer exactly gives the SIGSEGV.


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