Mattias Gaertner wrote:

> #0  0x00289478 in GTKAPIWIDGETCLIENT_DRAWCARET (CLIENT=0xbdbf18,
>   CALLEDBYTIMER=false) at gtkwinapiwindow.pp:698
> Please check if the line numbers are correct:
> 696:      if (WidgetStyle<>nil)
> 697:      and (Widget^.Window<>nil)
> 698:      and (Width>0)
> 696:      and (Height>0)
> The Width is accessed some lines in front.
> Maybe a compiler bug?
> Add some writelns and find out what pointer exactly gives the SIGSEGV.

I can confirm those line numbers. I'll work on it, but it will take me some
while and I might need to ask for more help since I'm very much a beginner as
far as the FPC/Lazarus codebases and gdb are concerned.

I've got FPC building itself for SPARC without error, although there's a problem
in the interface between the fp IDE and gdb- I don't think that should be
relevant to this one. Something that I think I could usefully try is building
Lazarus for x86 just in case there's something undetected in the version of the
sources that I've got.

I wonder whether I could ask what this list's preferred policy is about CCing
message posters to make sure that relevant threads don't get lost in the noise?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

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