On Tue, 31 Oct 2006, George Birbilis wrote:

> > 1. Uniform database access was available through ODBC already.
> > ODBC was and is an accepted standard. .NET data access is
> > necessarily slower and more cumbersome.
> If ODBC was good, then why did Borland give for years its own database
> connectors? A reason DB people were using Delphi was for the Oracle etc.
> connectors it had

There is no inherent reason why ODBC is bad. Borland could have based a 
TDataset implementation on top of ODBC, and it whould have worked just 
as well, without the need for the BDE. 

The BDE was as bad as ODBC, and on top of that had a huge install problem.
DBExpress was a much better architecture. 
And what do you know ? .NET data access is based on that...

If you need speed in Delphi, you buy a set of TDataset descendents 
which talk directly to your database. OOP at it's best.


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