Nope, this is the official word from Microsoft. After all I'm a Microsoft

What is a MVP?


it's an award for contributions to the part of the community that is related
to MS technologies

we get lot of inner info and insight from MS teams and management, plus have
a chance to influence decisions and provide feedback directly

The question is whether Lazarus will be flexible enough at that time to
adapt. So better plan ahead a bit (say start by studying .NET a bit
more, collecting .NET resources etc.)

On the end of last year, Yury ported Free Pascal to Windows CE. On
January and February I ported enougth LCL to write hello-world kinds
of app on Lazarus-LCL. On the next months, roozbeh completed 95% of

In less then a year we were able to implement great support for
Windows CE. I doubt anyone would have even imagine it would develop so
quickly. So I´m pretty confident we are flexible enougth, and will
handle the situation when it´s an important issue.

agreed, what I'm saying is just have an open mind on future directions to

There are a few .net resources here:


Later on today I'll merge all my .NET related favorites (lots of them) and
upload to
(at the .NET category on the left handside)
It has some old favorites there, but not many and unstructured

George Birbilis ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Microsoft MVP J# 2004-2006
Borland "Spirit of Delphi"

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