Michael Van Canneyt schrieb:

Please explain why that isn't possible to do a conversion of such an app using
Javascript ?

Are you going to compile the pascal to javascript ?

Hello *,

as I already wrote Michael in private I'm thinking about developing a web widgetset for LCL as well.

My current considerations are these:

The application of course gets compiled as usual and runs on the server. There is only one major issue: A web application must be prepared for multithreading, as there is one instance of the 'main form' per user access (or session). But, if properly written (storing data in the main class, and not using global variables), this is not a real problem.

JavaScript will only be used for drawing and content creation, and for event propagation of course. Communication using AJAX or JSON, but using the synchronous version of HTTPRequest (remember that most desktop widget toolkits are working synchronous as well, for good reason). For example, the canvas: Drawing commands will be buffered, and as soon as execution returned to the main loop, this command buffer will be send to the JavaScript client. (Of course there might be special cases like painting in a canvas and immediately reading data back from the framebuffer. In this case it might be necesseray to emulate the whole painting on the server using a memory image.)

Really all kinds of widgets can be emulated using JavaScript and DHTML.

This approach surely would work quite well -- but it would be quite slow, dependent on the exact application. Btw, what we could do is to support Microsofts Silverlight; if this plugin is installed, create all widgets using Silverlight, where you can use _all_ widgets which .NET's Windows.Forms support. But back to JS/DHTML. To improve performance, I see only one way, the way that Google's Web Toolkit is going: Analyze the source code and try to convert single methods to JavaScript wherever possible, using some kind of JS version of the FPC RTL. By time, this library would get bigger and bigger, improving the performance step by step. But of course the source analyzer has to be extremely careful about keeping the application state in sync between client and server.

Any comments? :-)

- Sebastian

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