On Tue, 21 Aug 2007, David Lyon wrote:

> Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> > > Please explain why that isn't possible to do a conversion of such an app
> > > using
> > > Javascript ?
> > >     
> >
> > Are you going to compile the pascal to javascript ?
> >   
> I think that is one possible way forward.
> > What I am saying is that the solution always involves recoding the app.
> > (due to the asynchronous nature of things).
> >   
> Some degree of recoding might be acceptable in certain situations.

Yes, but then I'd prefer to use a special web widget set.

Good programs have business logic and GUI logic separated.
The business logic can be reused. GUI logic must be rewritten.

> > Partially, the problems can be solved.
> >   
> Yes there are issues where I can't see a clear way forward either.
> But web apps are big and getting bigger.

This is undoubtedly true, and I wasn't trying to deny that.

> > > You can read files from the server with Javascript.
> > >     
> >
> > Yes, but suppose I NEED the file on the browser side. Then what ?
> >   
> Ok. You know this is actually a very serious and good question.
> Now, there are actually many javascript libraries that will edit a
> wordprocessing file in the browser and let you save it on the local disk. You
> can upload it and store it on the server also.

That is a lot of hassle; 
In a desktop app it's a no-brainer.

> > and I MUST start Word, have it fill in some document and send it to
> > the printer. Then what ?
> >   
> There are browser based Word compatable editors that are now available. Click
> send and they will send the document to the printer.

Nono, I NEED (well, actually, the clients) MS-WORD. Nothing else is
acceptable. This kind of requirements is not uncommon, and cannot
be solved with web technology...
> > It shapes my actual IE or Firefox Webbrowser window ? Can you prove this ?
> > Screenshots ?
> >
> > I'm NOT talking about the content inside the browser window, that's easy,
> > or even a window floating inside the browser window. I mean the actual
> > browser window.
> >   
> No, not at this stage (and maybe never)

There you are... It can be done using desktop apps.

> > Only my idea of 'recompile and run in browser' is:
> > an absolute no-effort, load-existing-desktop-app and recompile kind of
> > thing: no compromise on previous functionality. (such as moving files from
> > the desktop to web server).
> >
> > And _that_ is definitely out.
> >   
> So we are throwing "write-once-compile-everywhere" out ? :-)

With 'everywhere' we understand the desktop. Not web.
Although we can give it a good shot :-)

No-one denies that web applications are on the rise.
But it is a myth to think that you can replace _all_ apps with web apps.

I have code with direct memory access (pointers and stuff). 


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