On 9/4/07, Alex Kovacic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> TELL ME MORE - I have a ethernet camera running a linux server and want to
> capture line scan images at 3000f/s..

Operating systems have their own way of capturing, windows used VFW
and DirectX, Linux has V4L and V4L2, network capturing should be
easier but it's not done with normal capturing interfaces but directly
receiving images usually in JPEG format using TCP, check out the
network protocol for your camera and rather use LNET, Indy or Synapse
for what you need, if should be easier than interfacing with V4L
(Video for Linux).
Once you have the images you can use the same code for processing
images that already exists for native interfaces, i don't remember
exactly but i think FPImage had some ways of accessing images in a
similar way to scanlines that offered a pointer to each line and the
whole buffer of pixels, which is much faster than pixel by pixel


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