Hi all,

Sorry if my question would sound silly.

I'd like to have these:
- Lazarus stable (9.22) using FPC stable (2.2.0)
- Lazarus fixes (9.24?) using FPC fixes (2.2.1)
- Lazarus devel (9.25? or 9.26?) using FPC devel (2.3.1)

All sources are taken from SVN. Now, I had succeed getting all sources from SVN. I also had succeed compile all FPC versions (using 'make' etc for each version based on FPC 2.0.4). I also had succeed compile Lazarus stable (9.22) using FPC 2.0.4.

But, I still failed to compile Lazarus fixes (9.24? from SVN) using different FPC version. It keeps yelling that it couldn't find required units though all units are already in appropriate folders.

So, what I have suppose to do to achieve that? How to tell Lazarus 'make' to use different FPC version and get appropriate unit for each version? Now, I got stuck here. :(

FYI, this is my first experience using SVN and up-to-date source for both FPC and Lazarus. I usually only use stable binary release as it always works out-of-the-box, at least for me. :)



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