el stamatakos wrote:

Hi John
 Would this work undre Linux?
el stamatakos wrote:
Hi All,
 is the ShellApi available in Lazarus? When I add it into my uses ShellApi it comes back with an error cannot find unit ShellApi.
See if what you want is in the windows unit.

I wouldn't think so, it is mainly wrappers for the windows functions and supporting definitions.  I thought you were using window$ from some of your previous mails.  (It would help us give better answers if you provided some more information about what you are trying to do, and what system you are using  :) )

I think that generally, once you start using OS APIs, (which is what I presume you mean by shell API) you have to code them separately for each OS.  Probably there are equivalent units for other OSs, but I haven't used any others (yet) so I'll let those who have answer that question.

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