2007/12/13, Bee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > A little fix for TODBCConnection, TPairSplitter, and TProcess. Plus, new
> > icons for TMemDataset, TSDFDataset, TFixedFormatDataset, and TDBF.
> I propose a color convention for icon with text. For any standard,
> commonly used or known abbreviation, such as HTML, XML, INI, IPC, etc,
> we use Laurent's color like being used on TXMLConfig. But for any other
> abbreviation that are not standard and commonly used, it should use its
> own color that is different from Laurent's color. Like what I'd done
> with the above xxxDataset icons.
> What do you think?
> -Bee-

You are going too fast ;-)

The printer is too light (tprintxxx.png) more contrast please


My Components: http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Wile64
French Forum : http://lazforum-fr.tuxfamily.org/index.php

<<attachment: tmemdataset.png>>

<<attachment: tfixedformatdataset.png>>

<<attachment: tsdfdataset.png>>

<<attachment: tdbf.png>>

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