How about these fixes? ;)

I propose new icon for TEventLog. I'm not quite agree with the 'LOG' text. We'll end up with putting text on every icons. Something that contradicts with the purpose of usage of icons/images. ;)

To Laurents:
What do you think about my TSQLQuery and TSQLTransaction? Should them committed or you have a better icons for them? And what about the TButtonPanel, I gave up. :-D

To Paul:
Laurent's icon for TLazComponentQueue is not yet committed.


has Bee.ography at:

<<inline: tprintdialog.png>>

<<inline: tprintersetupdialog.png>>

<<inline: tpagesetupdialog.png>>

<<inline: tmemdataset.png>>

<<inline: tfixeddataset.png>>

<<inline: tdbf.png>>

<<inline: tsdfdataset.png>>

<<inline: teventlog.png>>

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