On 30/01/2008, Marco Alvarado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Isn't it lot easier to create an include file with all the defines,
> and include it everywhere you need it? If you need several sets of
> defines, just create higher level symbols that enable/disable those
> sets.

Thanks Marco.  We have done exactly that in the tiOPF project.  So far
it wasn't needed for fpGUI because I normally want to debug a certain
unit. One at a time, otherwise I get flooded with debug information.
Maybe I should incorporate the tiLog and tiGUILog unit from tiOPF into
fpGUI.  In the tiGUILog unit you can enable/disable debug information
at runtime. Very handy!!  The GUI log window get fed from a separate
log thread which uses caching and a lower priority so as not to slow
done the running of your application.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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