> The problem (I guess it is a problem, not sure yet :) is, I'm using
> the pam authentication in both squid (using /usr/sbin/pam_auth) and
> postfix (using PAM and sasl authentication in main.cf), 

So postfix uses saslauthd?  Why not use saslauthd's native LDAP support;
it is more flexible than PAM.

If you are going to keep with PAM then restricting access to groups is a
PAM feature.  Take a look at the pam_listfile module.
pam_listfile item=group file=/etc/security/smtp.groups 

> where, in /etc/ldap.conf the pam_login_attribute is set to
> sAMAccountName and the server is pointing to my OpenLDAP server (this
> means that currently everyone have access to both services) 

Are Squid & Postfix on the same host?

> But that is the problem, I use the same /etc/ldap.conf (with the
> OpenLDAP server URI, base, bindn, bindpw and pam_login_atribute) for
> both services.
> Well, I hope this email wasn't very confused to you, and thanks again
> for any help. 

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