On Jul 27, 2009, at 11:16 AM, Michael Ströder wrote:

Kurt Zeilenga wrote:
As an alternative approach, I would suggest having a single multi- valued
attribute that would contain URIs expressing the location of the
attribute.   This would push various issues, such as which location
system is being used, out to the URIs.  This is a good thing as such
issues are not unique to LDAP/X.500.

Is there anything like this already defined/used somewhere?

The geo: URI is a work in progress <http://www.ietf.org/id/draft-ietf-geopriv-geo-uri-01.txt >.

I think it would be good to define an LDAP/X.500 attribute type to hold any URI that represents the geographical location of the object, recommending use of geo: but allow for other schemes as might become available.

Of course, one could just put a geo: URI in labeledURI... but I don't recommend doing this.

-- Kurt

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