>>>>> Michael Ströder <michael...> writes:
>>>>> Gavin Henry wrote:
>>>>> Ivan Shmakov wrote:


 >>> I've never heard of the geographic coordinates being encoded as an
 >>> URI.  Could you please give any references on that matter (if
 >>> there're any)?

 >> There are examples in the draft the Kurt listed above. FYI:

 >> http://www.ietf.org/id/draft-ietf-geopriv-geo-uri-01.txt

 > Despite the comments Ivan gave in another posting I wonder how to
 > implement ORDERING matching rules for this.

        Unfortunately, I guess that there's no sensible way, sans for
        the simple string comparison.

        Seems like I'd be bound to inventing both my own syntax for
        locations, and my own syntax for search filters.  (And the
        support for these.)

FSF associate member #7257

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