On 2006.07.03 16:08:40 -0600, pat eyler wrote:
> APIs make sense to sit up at the top, but Wikis and to a lesser
> degree newsletters and source code repositories are easy to
> set up and host, but a conference is something that would be
> hard to put together, advertise, and pull of without some kind
> of sponsorship.
> From a pragmatic perspective, it seems like the church is much
> more capable of doing two things than anyone else:  providing
> APIs and hosting/sponsoring conferences -- anything else
> would be nice, but could be handled by the community.

I agree that a conference would be difficult to do without sponsorship but I'm
skeptical that there would be enough response for one without either a broader
subject matter (i.e. include non-lds FOSS projects) or some sort of direct
sponsorship of individuals to brind them all together.

Unless I'm totally off base here, I can only imagine that most of the
contributors would be outside Utah.


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