On Fri, 7 Jul 2006, Justin R Findlay wrote:

On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 08:55:13PM -0600, Dan Hanks wrote:
Perhaps we in the community just need to organize an
"un-conference" the day before. Gather together a bunch of geeks
interested in genealogy for a bunch of hours with free wireless and see
what comes out of it.

That's an awesome idea.  Name the time and place and I'm there.

Phil Burns (Provo Labs/DevUtah guy--Hi Phil!) is interested in helping to set up a bar-camp (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BarCamp) in the very near
future (in conjunction with WorldBarCamp (Aug 26th-28th)).

See his blog post about this: http://www.devutah.com/2006/06/24/time-for-barcamp-utah/

And the wiki page he set up for it also:

This would be an ideal venue for this sort of thing.

I have family commitments on Aug 25-26, religious commitments on the 27th :-), but might be open during the day on the 28th. Anybody else interested?

I'd also love to see something like this set up in conjunction with the FHT as well each year. Just need to find a good venue. Anybody at BYU have connections to get us a room with Wifi the day before FHT?

We could make a page on WeRelate.org (wiki) to coordinate.

Maybe we need to start a Family History Technology "user group" that meets on a regular basis. That would be fun. I'm sure we could find a steady stream of presenters who are doing cool things in the area.


-- Dan

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