On Monday 09 April 2007 18:59, Jesse Stay wrote:
> Re: the Vonage script, do you have to have the softphone feature of
> Vonage to use it?  Or is there some way to make calls from my computer
> without paying extra for a softphone account using my normal Vonage

I just tried it with my regular Vonage phone, and it works great.  I didn't 
use Scott's script, but instead just used the URLs from the 
secure.click2callu.com site (which, BTW, is not working at the moment.  It 
was a while ago).

What happens with a regular Vonage line (and, I expect, with a softphone) is 
that your phone rings first.  As soon as you pick up, Vonage rings the 
destination and connects you.

I'm pretty excited about the possibilities here.  In addition to greasemonkey 
scripts (lds.org, dexonline, etc.), you can also initiate phone calls from 
any programming language.  I wrote a one-line shell script using wget, so I 
can type:

        call <phone number>

At the command line and place a call.  Not too useful by iteself, but I'm 
going to create a klipper action so that I can easily select any number on my 
screen and call it with a click, and kaddressbook has a hook for phone 
scripts, so I should be able to drop my shell script in there and then be 
able to automatically dial anyone in my address book just by clicking on 
their number.  Actually, I've done it but I can't test it right now because 
the service isn't working.

Anyway, the possibilities for this little hack are endless.

Thanks, Scott!

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