Eric Wolzak wrote:
> Hello
> I 'm sorry that my first post in this list is possible a stupid question,

Definately not. And a worthy cause, too.

> but i read all documentation i could find and searched google with
> no result. won't find this on google. You're forging a new road, here,
through unexplored territory...

> I compiled the latest test Kernel 2.4  including loopback, minix,
> ramdisk etc .  I then tested,  moving the bzImage on a working
> eigerstein2 and renamed it as linux.

Woohoo! That's great!

> RAMDISK: compressed image found at block 0
>  and this was  ** not  ** followed by
> RAMDISK: Uncompressing root archive: done
> RAMDISK Auto Filesystem ....etc.
> This will be the reason that the mount didn't succeed. (there is
> nothing to mount)


> I tried changing all kind of options but i don't understand why the
> root.lrp is not unpacked.

The initrd patch (and maybe other patches) most likely needs to
be updated to work with the 2.4 kernel; the patch was made from
a 2.0 kernel, after all (and I think it had to be updated for
2.2, too). Somebody with some coding experience will need to do

Any volunteers?

> The syslinux.cfg is unchanged and as far as i can see without a
> problem.

Nope, wouldn't be a problem in syslinux.cfg.

> do you have any suggestions,
> I hope the quality of the next posting is better ;)

There was nothing wrong with the quality of this post. :-)

> Eric Wolzak
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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