On 5 Jan 2001, at 8:31, George Metz wrote:

> Oh good gods. You mean that none of these morons that have been
> writing those scripts can't do simple if-then tree logic? 
> Q: Do you want to build rules or modify?
> (IF $Q = Build, then goto NEW;
> ELSE goto Mod)
> A: Modify
> [Mod]
> Q: What do you wish to modify? 
> Services
> Proxy ARP
> ...and so on. C'mon, I could do this kinda crap in BASIC when I was
> eight - and as seen above, it was the last time I did any programming
> - so why can't these firewall programs incorporate it?

Eeeeps, did I get you on a bad day?

Anyway, to answer your question:

> Q: What do you wish to modify? 
> Services
> Proxy ARP

"I want to modify that special port-forward I put in, and I want to 
add a fourth network to the three that already exist."

Put THAT into a menu.... I DARE you :-)

David Douthitt
UNIX Systems Administrator
HP-UX, Linux, Unixware

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