On Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 06:11:13AM -0800, Mike Noyes scribbled:
> >If LEAF: http://leaf.sourceforge.net couldn't get listed in both,
> >there'd prolly be no objection
> >to LEAF Firewall software: http://leaf.sourceforge.net/firewalls/
> >and LEAF Netutils: http://leaf.sourceforge.net/netutils/
> >getting listed; then we put pages there describing LEAF stuff that
> >can be used as firewalls and networking utils...
> If we're going to do this I'd prefer to see:
> LEAF: http://leaf.sourceforge.net
> EigerStein: http://leaf.sourceforge.net/cstein
> Oxygen: http://leaf.sourceforge.net/ddouthitt

Well, we're listing LEAF, not the individual distributions
under the LEAF umbrella; and under categories such as firewall
or network utils, we have multiple entries -- For example,
ES and Oxy can both be listed as firewalls. Rather than
listing both at the site in question, there'd be a list
of LEAFs good for firewalling at leaf.sf.net/fw [abbreviated].

> --
> Mike Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> http://leaf.sourceforge.net/
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