Well, I've checked the shell-script web-sever, sh-httpd into CVS.  Looks
like I'm the first to put something into CVS other than the website...I'm
almost giddy over how cool it is to use CVS, and how easy it is to create
new directories.

I suggest we begin checking in other shell-scripts, like linuxrc, POSIXness,
the backup-scripts/apkg, etc. into CVS as well.  Has anyone given any
thought to how the CVS archive should be structured?  Should we have
seperate directories for different functions (ie linuxrc vs. POSIXness), and
should different distributions (LRP, Oxygen, EigerStein) be seperate CVS
trees, or just seperate branches?

I think we should try to keep the various distributions in the same tree
(though likely as seperate branches...this should help with propogating
updates from one branch to another), and possibly have seperate trees for
the major functions (ie sh-httpd, and POSIXness are clearly their own
trees...how to handle the lrcfg scripts, linuxrc, etc... is a bit trickier).

NOTE TO WEB GURU's:  I think SF changed the web-based CVS front-end.  When I
click on the Leaf CVS link from our home-page:

I get a message to go to this link instead:

BTW:  The new web-based CVS viewer is WAY FAST, and instantly registered the
changes I made (ie the 'age' field listed 31 seconds, which is how long it
took me to pull up & 'click-through' from the LEAF home-page).  Way cool!

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

To pre-empt any CVS related questions, here's what I did (warning, some
lines wrapped):

First, tell CVS to use ssh:

export CVS_RSH=ssh

Then, create the directory tree you want in CVS.  I used my archived
sh-httpd.tgz files
Untar-gzip sh-httpd V0.3
cd to the directory

Import all files (and sub-directories, if there had been any) into CVS:
NOTE:  Use your sourceforge login instead of cstein, which is my user-id!

cvs -d:ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/leaf import -m "Initial
CVS check-in V0.3" sh-httpd cstein Release-20000822

NOTE:  The last two parameters are 'vendortag' and 'releasetag', and don't
really matter unless we get into complex CVS trees...(we may with some of
the 'core' LRP scripts)

That's all there is to creating a new CVS directory.  Once I did the above,
I wiped the existing directory (which is not under active CVS control), and
checked-out the newly created archive (REQUIRED):

cvs -d:ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/leaf/ co sh-httpd

This creates a new sh-httpd directory, all setup for future CVS use.  You
could do this with anonymous CVS access, but then you won't be able to
check-in any changes you make.

I cd'd into the new directory and 'tagged' the files just to be safe:

cd sh-httpd
cvs -q tag Release-0_4

And that's it!

Checkout the SF Docs for more details:

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