Eric Wolzak wrote:

> Hello Ewald, Charles
>>>>> Is anyone working on this already? If not I will have a start this
>>>>> weekend, or perhaps when I return from work tonight. If you prefer
>>>>> someone else's work please tell me so; it will save me some superfluous
>>>>> work.
> yep, sort of.
Argh, I have hardly touched a computer the last few days. I would have 
replied sooner if I had.

> I am implementing the eigerstein on the 2.4.3 kernel from george.
> It just seems to change quite a lot.
> I am using Busybox 0.50 for now. as I had problems compiling the 
> 0.51 with insmod. (see previous posts) 
> Updated the ash. ( oxygen)
> Am working on the weblet.
> But changing to 2.4 and updating to iptables  means also changes 
> in portforwarding and masquerading. 
> I now have working ( not properly tested image with shorewall) 

Personally I think shorewall is great, but I would like to hear other's 

> I am working on a basic ip-addres setup kind of the way lrp does it.
> The rest of the system will be setup with a webinterface (sort of 
> prealpha stage ;) at the moment. 
> Allthough this kind of changes would mean a rather radical change 
> away from eigerstein. :(  So perhaps it would be the best to stay 
> with ipchains. and only update a few programms (busybox etc).

I think that should be the first goal. It would of course be very 
interesting to create a truly linux 2.4 based distribution, but it will 
hardly be eigerstein I think (though rather cool)

> As said , i am still in a very pre-alpha stage, and don't know if I 
> come further.

Well I'm in the same stage, but intend to finish it rather soon. I think 
I'll post a log of the changes I have made so far on tuesday.

>> best
>>>> I can tell you for sure is that I'm not working on this (just too busy).
>>>> Feel free to do whatever work you have time for, and just ask if you
>> have
>>>> any questions or need anything from me.
>>> Allright! I'll see what I can do this weekend. As I have a part-time
>>> job, no wife and no children I'm not as busy as both of you. Of course I
>>> will keep a full log of the changes that I make for you to comment on.
>>> One of the bigger changes I propose is replacing ae with e3 or the
>>> busybox vi applet. That will make it a lot easier to throw out ncurses
> The busybox vi applet functions very well :) tried this.

Good. But e3 is even smaller and quite functional.

> Greetings to all of you. 
> Ook ewald de groeten :)

Greetings to all, and to Eric:

Gruesse aus Holland (hmm, where did you read that before :-)


P.S. Eric; I live only 5 KM from the Dutch-German border.

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