On 12/3/01 at 4:54 PM, Charles Steinkuehler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hmm...looks like a new file format, smells like a new file format...

Bah.  Not really.  The file "format" is all in the *.lrp package, and
the package contents remain the same.  Just give it a new wrapper,
call it *.srp, and it works.  Seems pretty good to me.

However, you still need to create the wrapper - but then, you could
just save the file like always, then have a "stamp" or "sign" program
that would create the digital signature.

All of this assumes there IS something that will check or create the
signature - PGP is a Pretty Ghastly Pig in space terms, isn't it?

> > Oxygen supports new package archivers in development
> > already, but it needs testing.  One just specifies the
> > command line to "pack" and to "test" archives, then it
> > uses those.  It predefines "gzip -9" and "gzip -t" or
> > something like that...
> Ok, but can you identify and use alternate compression
> engines on the fly (ie automatically when booting the
> system) or is it a 'pick one and stick with it' sort of
> setting?

More of the former, actually.  However, root.lrp has to be *.tar.gz -
since that's all the system understands.  Each "source" can have a
different archiver setting.

For example, the boot disk could have bzip2.lrp on it (*.tar.gz).  All
the files on the boot disk would be *.tar.gz - then the next source
could be an FTP site with *.lrp (*.bz2) files on it - then the NEXT
source could be a HTTP site with *.lrp (*.tar.Z) files on it...

All you need is to load the compressor along the way before you need

> Of course it's farily easy to write some code to ID
> various magic numbers in compressed file formats, but it's
> hard to do this with shell-scipt (not that the whole
> pacakge system needs to be shell-script, but it should be
> really tiny).

My setup isn't *THAT* "on-the-fly" ...my setup, as I mentioned,
defines a decompressor for each specific source.

> Regardless of any package format issues, I *REALLY* want
> to see a package install command.  Something that lets you
> simply type "pkginstall newpackage" from the command line,
> and it goes through the same hoops the init scripts do
> when installing a package (ie it mounts any required media,
> and looks in all the same places, working just like if
> you'd added "newpackage" to the LRP= line in
> syslinux.cfg).  apkg may already do this...I appologize
> but I haven't had time to take a close look at it recently.

I thought lrpkg -i did this too.  However, one of my driving goals at
the very start was to fix a problem with lrpkg when one forgets to
mount a disk FIRST before starting lrpkg.... apkg has always mounted
automatically.  Later on, it was adapted so that if the disk is
already mounted, it leaves it alone and uses that disk - and leaves it
mounted.  If it's not mounted, it mounts the disk, loads a package,
and dismounts it.
David Douthitt
UNIX Systems Administrator
HP-UX, Unixware, Linux

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