I need to get my head back into it.  I think I had a bit more work done than I had yet 
deployed to my WebletDemo site.  I also think that machine might be down.  I will 
check this week.  I am particularly interested in working on the front end of things 
for the moment as I have some momentem there, but I am slamed on my current project 
for at least the next week or two.  I will try to get my latest up on the WebletDemo 
site and get it back up.  The site has the built in ability to both view and download 
it's source.  We can take a look at how far I have gotten and decide if it is on track 
and ready to put in CVS.  I have mainly been working on abstracting everything so that 
it is easy to construct content in a dynamic way.  I'm interested in modules that 
include the configuration piece, but also inhanced log viewes, live statistics in as 
much of a dashboard fashion as possible, and other similar ideas.  While some of these 
modules may be sizable, I, like the rest of you wish to keep the base system as small 
as possible
I have moved my main LEAF setup to two floppies, as setup that seems fantastic to me, 
keeps the hardware write protection, still very easy to maintain, lots of space, 
drives cheap, etc.  I'm surprised I have not heard of more people going this route.  
Well, I have Stored Procedures calling my name, back to work.
Richard Amerman

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: guitarlynn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
        Sent: Sun 9/1/2002 10:50 PM 
        To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Subject: Re: [Leaf-devel] Webbased configuration

        On Sunday 01 September 2002 15:08, Erich Titl wrote:
        > Mike
        > you seem to be knowledgeable about the copyright stuff. I am about to
        > paint an entry page for the config stuff and would like to use the
        > LEAF logo for it. Is there a problem?
        Would you mind getting with Richard Amerman and working on the the
        www page format. Richard has already done quite a bit of work stream
        lining the existing Weblet page code. Possibly the two of you can create
        the front-end of a menu system a little easier by bouncing ideas/code
        I think Charles' existing code, that uses Jscript for setting up the
        graphical end is an excellent idea that saves some space. Mosquito
        is using a Frame setup (shudder!) built from Jscript that works
        quite well (GPL'ed). There might be some ideas from examining that
        code as well.
        I would believe we will want to use xml (or xhtml 1.x) compliant code
        in the html...possibly CSS style-sheets with the POST form method
        (to avoid more code to interpret GET and the 255 character limit).
        I have sent Charles a copy of James Sturdevant's POST patched
        sh-httpd application that will be available via LEAF CVS when
        Charles commits it to CVS. If you need a copy of it to work with
        before then, mail me off-list and I'll send you a copy.
        Does anyone else have any ideas, thoughts, or comments on this
        since both Erich and Richard have been doing work for some time
        on the interface end of the project.
        ~Lynn Avants
        aka Guitarlynn
        guitarlynn at users.sourceforge.net
        If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!
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