On Monday 03 February 2003 02:41 pm, Matt Schalit wrote:

> I would suggest letting people develop at will, at their own speed,
> as has been the history of projects here, and let the better ideas
> prevail.
> I feel positively about a roadmap, but don't feel it's "absolutely
> necessary." I *am* glad you and I concur on the three types of ideas being
> suggested, and that from the discussions so far, the dependancies I listed
> most likely exist if all ideas are well designed w/others in mind.

I definately can't disagree with this, other than sometimes the 'better'
idea(s) don't prevail for a variety of reasons. No one will use a program
that doesn't exist and this isn't along any further because no roadmap
AND code was really ever presented. I am sure one of the main reasons
Eric W. presented some code was so _something_ was there to start
with. I really don't think he wants to re-write any code more than once
or twice.

> But as some people are already creating a modified weblet admin
> package as I write this, I figure, let's not say that their project
> should conform to the others.  It's really up to them to decide
> how many rewrites are worth it as they see the other ideas proceed.

I agree, but I would like to see if several of us can agree on a roadmap
to follow and break up some of the work. I don't write Java or Jscript,
but I can write some functional sh. I prefer to let someone else code
where I am deficient and bring the pieces together. I feel this could
be done within a month or so with several developers working in
pieces that would actually work together.

> But then again, we are talking about standards here.
> If we are going to say that the config-db is the only
> thing that people should customize for their LEAF box,
> then it's folly to start a weblet-admin program that
> alters /etc/init.d scripts.
> Yet if we say that the config-db is untouchable, and
> that we need to use a groovy api to access it, then
> it's folly to start a weblet-admin program that doesn't
> use the api.  (Given an api, front-ends don't parse the db.
> They use the api.)

I think it will be as it always has been. People will use 
what they want. If they don't create a more popular or
useful system, it eventually dies due to lack of use/development.
It either gets used and/or extended or doesn't. Standards
are simply what keeps getting used.

The biggest problem IMHO with a flat-db would be the ability to
hand-edit the file(s). If no comments or description fields are used
it will require a user to locate the variable(s) in the package conf
file(s), then edit them in the 'db' file. I think it is a fair trade-off. 
If an easier configuration method is available (or choice), then
you ought to be smart enough to figure out what variables to
change if hand-editing. There are atleast 3 people I know of
that maintain many Dachstein routers and have already gone to a
similar approach..... I think the idea is proven. All it needs to move 
between different variants is compatibility to the core configuration
files and packages.

> So I'd like to see the config-db idea really
> take shape.  I need to know what the format will be.

One of these???
name = value
name    value
name = value #descript

> Will we take a poll on whether to have more standards?
> (in addition to the current package format and libc standards)
> Will we take a poll on each proposed standard?  That
> could take a while....

Other than a db format, it really doesn't matter. The libc thing
is a matter of which binary tree(s) to use when generating an
image. A flat-db can have many columns as desired, you can
parse with sed, cut, and other shell-util's by columns/delimiters.
Let's use passwd and shadow as a good example.

I really don't think Matt and Greg are too far off from each other
in the 'preconfig' department. Let's say a XML or Java applet 
takes the initial configurations for the system (and/or packages).
Let's say this configuration is saved to a 'db' text file on a floppy.
The user inserts the global CD-ROM which boots and generates
a floppy or IDE image from reading the 'db' file on the floppy.
Granted this global CD would need to have the capabilities of
writing an IDE/CD image or atleast moving it on a harddrive
partition, but that is feasible on 650Megs. 

Considering use of RH-s autodetection to the preconfig, it won't 
work _unless_ you run it on the LEAF box

> > I don't believe Perl is a feasible option on the LEAF box for CGI,
> I don't think so either, but I thought I'd list it as someone
> suggested it.


> > especially when Jscript and shell-script are and wouldn't require
> > an interpreter. Just for clarification, is Java being suggested instead
> > of Jscript? My reasoning is determined by the need for an interpreter.
> Yes Java is being suggest by me. A remote Java app could run on a remote
> computer that had a Java Virtual Machine (JRE) installed and connect to
> LEAF via sshd using ssh and scp command api.  Nothing additional on the
> LEAF box is required for this total-config Java app, only sshd.

Or saving to a floppy. The 'db' file(s) are quite portable (by config.lrp????)

> > Added options:
> I integrated them into the post-config section.
> Here it is again.

TY, I think it is pretty accurate now. Thanks

> np.  Where's Brad on all this, hmmm?

Good question, or Eric?
~Lynn Avants
Linux Embedded Firewall Project developer

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