Firstly, I hardly expected I would be invited to join this group. It was
a pleasant surprise indeed.

I'm a management graduate with a distinct/keen technology leaning,
appreciation and usage. I've been handling various technologies over a
15 year period ranging from:
1. Mechanical CAD/CAM applications
2. Character screen GUI based mail front end to Pine in 1992 on vt100
3. DOS/Windows TCP/IP stacks to connect to Unix systems using NDIS with
DOS/Windows frontends and NFS clients.
4. Building WANs and mailing systems.
5. Constructing an ISP network.

I was a Unix users (on workstations) in the late 80s as a support person
and then till 1992 as a team member in projects - mainly concentrating
on feature definition, prioritization, testing and user documentation.
I'm not a programmer nor do I think I'm efficient at it like many of
those in the group. However, I think I can stretch, exploit and apply
components innovatively as a System Integrator.

I went back to Linux when I wanted to host and colocate machines in
2000. I learned Linux ground up. In 2001 end, I came across LEAF and out
of interest started exploring it. Today, I've built a complete

Areas that I've worked on as of now:
1. VPN using certificates. I've used Chad's documentation and have a
modified one for using Marcus Meuller's utility which I think is pretty
2. CF, SD and other media for booting - Eric Titl and I have a decently
long thread on write protecting experiments on DoM. I blew mine. It is
pretty difficult getting DoM out here in India.
3. Traffic Control and bandwidth management using LEAF. I've tried and
have been successful in building a transparent bandwidth manager using
LEAF. Document sent to Jacques with addendum awaited from Juan Prieto

I'm interested in the following areas for usage of LEAF:
1. Redundant network components using vrrpd and keepalived.
2. H323 gateways as IMS is becoming a key application.
3. Mailing gateways.
4. Security - Hogwash, Snort, PortSentry and the likes.
5. Reporting using rrdtool for time series data - kind of data typically
collected for bandwidth management, network load, external connects etc.
6. Update feature for packages - part of a larger definition.
7. Making LEAF SNMP manageable. I know it is there but one has to put it
together and have another SNMP manager software with the appropriate
MIBs etc...

I also believe that for adoption of LEAF in a larger measure, good
configuration tools, reporting tools and web interfaces are the key -
evident from my posts.

I run a system integration company in Chennai, India, have become a
vociferous Open Source Evangelist over the last 3 years since I started
using Linux and believe strongly in the benefits Open Source can bring
to all concerned. I also consult in this area with the primary focus
being: Do what commercial products can or better at half the price. Thus
adding value to customers and make money. I'm also deeply into security
having been hacked myself 4 times. Apart from LEAF, I'm an active member
of 5 other forums of interest.

I'm targetting the LEAF appliance at customers tending to go in for
CISCO/ Packeteer/ Checkpoint/ Nokia etc.

I'm 40 and live in Chennai, India. I'd be happy to play host to any
member visiting India.


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