On Fri, 2003-02-28 at 08:31, Mike Noyes wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-02-28 at 07:49, K.-P. Kirchdörfer wrote:
> > We need uclibc-0.9.15 like the glibc dirs...
> K.-P.,
> Would this restructuring be acceptable to the Bering-uClibc team?
>     D) Move bin/packages/uclibc/linux-2.4.20.upx to bin/bering-uclibc/ .
>     Rename bin/packages/uclibc to bin/packages/uclibc-0.9 , and rename
>     bin/packages/uclibc/0_9_15 to bin/packages/uclibc-0.9/15 .
> This would prevent directory sprawl, and allow the Bering-uClibc team to
> create uClibc bug-fix revision directories in bin/pakcages/uclibc-0.9 to
> address compatibility issues (e.g. 15, 18, etc.). A README in uclibc-0.9
> indicating what the subdirectories contain would probably be
> appropriate.
> Structure of proposed change:
> toplevel/
>     - bin/
>         -- uclibc-0.9/
>             --- 15/
>             --- 18/

I forgot to add the packages directory to the example above. Sorry.

    - bin/
        -- packages/
            --- uclibc-0.9/
                ---- 15/
                ---- 18

Mike Noyes <mhnoyes @ users.sourceforge.net>
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