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Jørn Eriksen wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I found this doing a little search:
> http://www.mega-tokyo.com/osfaq2/index.php/Disk%20Images%20Under%20Linux
> So - I wonder - can we just use whatever geomoetry we like with a USB disk?

I believe so.

As mentioned before, the concept of CHS is quite dated, and hasn't truly
reflected what's physically on the disk since pretty much the advent of
IDE back in (thinking...) the late 80's, early 90's?  AFAIK, as long as
the partition table is valid for how the disk is formatted, everything
should be fine (at least for those filesystems that actually *USE* CHS
info in their internal structurs...many don't, and just use logical
block numbering as has been the standard on SCSI drives since roughly
the dawn of time :).

What I would do to make an image:

Use dd to create an appropriately sized blank file (perhaps 4-8 Meg).

Mount the filesystem as a loop-back device.

Partition the lo device with an HDD partition table (4 main partitions).

Create a bootable partition in the first primary parition.

Install LRP files from an appropriate image

Install desired boot loader (I'm partial to grub for this sort of thing,
and it would allow using EXT3, but syslinux, lilo, or most anything
should work as well).

dd the image to a USB dongle.

Test, then ship (or is that ship, then test...I always forget! :).

I'm going to try to test the image floating around, but have been fairly
short on time lately.

- --
Charles Steinkuehler
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