Hello Everyone,

Some more results from testing of USB Sticks.

Looking at the physical properties on the USB sticks it seams we are in for
some fun.  It seams to me that they all have different physical attributes.
I tested with some other ones as well including the brand new 256mb stick.
All had different metrics.

I've just rolled a new image and uploaded this.  To this image I've applied
the mbr.bin that came with syslinux v3.11 - maybe that works better.  Now  -
we are in for some more fun - have a look at this article:

Natanael - maybe you have a Award bios?  I've noticed that on certain of my
machines the stick (with the image applied) look completely messed up.
Howver - the image do boot with all the different stick I have, and on the
three different test machines I got at home.  Very strange indeed.

All - maybe we should try to roll a USB-ZIP image as well? For that we can
use the Syslinux tool mentioned in the link above.

I've tried with the "image" model that David described however presently I
have no luck with that. I've tried Erics image as well - no luck there
either. Eric - this is a full device image - right?

We really should have some more folks testing the different images/models.

Had a quick look on the DSL's pendrive_usbhdd.sh script.  I'm quite sure we
shold be able to use this as well.  The "package" can be found here:

Best regards

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