Hello Jorn,

> Hello all;
>>> We currently have three ideas how to provide an USB image:
>>> 1) a complete image which can be dd'ed to /dev/sda and is ready to
>>> boot; this is what Jorn, Eric and Andrea tried to build and provided
>>> for
> testing. As far as I can see - my image is ready for prime-time.  Do we
> need to do something to make that happen?
Kp can put the image in the File Release Area or somewhere else on the
LEAF site. It can always be improved later if problems are found.
A question about the fs: did you use fat23 (with the vfat driver) or
fat16? In the latter case the module names are truncated, in the first
case the vfat module has to be added to the usb initrd.

>>> 2) provide a tarball which can be dd'ed but have the user run
>>> syslinux to
> make
>>> it bootable (Natanaels proposal) - nothing to test yet.
> I guess this should be easy to create this from my image above.  If there
> is a need I can create this... Input anyone?
>>> 3) a "pendrive-script", which creates a bootable USB stick by using
>>> the
>>> image and some modifications for USB - nothing to test yet, but maybe
> soon.
>>> (I like to add vfat or ext2 to the image, so the modules will be as
>>> easy loadable as with the ISO image).
> With no 1&2 above +  the docs update - would we need a standalone script
> at all?  Eric & I where theorizing around create a script similar to the
> ISO /
> FD image create script, that would create an image for USB Pen Drive's.
> The
> script that DSL uses could be used as a "base" for thus using the loopback
>  image model.
I didn't manage to create a bootable image with using the loopback method
unfortuanatly. I'm still trying to find out why, Kp sended me links that
give some hints which I have to look at.

> Best regards
> Jørn


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