Hi Erich,

> I am not sure I understand completely.
> Example:
> I want to make a small modification in the kernel configuration. What
> directory will these changes be made in, as it is neither in apps nor
> contrib. Basically the sources reside in
> $BUILDROOT/source/linux/
> the mods are done using menuconfig, which will make a modified .config
> in the linux subdirectory.
> So far so good, now I am trying to compile the kernel using this config
> file.
Your approach is fine so far.
How you have to go about now depends on what exactly you're changing.
The cleanest approach is this:

Copy your new .config to source/linux/Bering-2.4.32.config, run
"./buildtool.pl srcclean linux" (note, that it's "linux" and not kernel"
- that part is a little confusing, but it comes from the wierd
dependencies between kernel source and buildenv I mentioned yesterday).
After that run "./buildtool.pl buildclean kernel", "./buildtool.pl
source linux" and then "./buildtool.pl build kernel"

If all you're doing is changing the config, you should also get by with
simply running "./buildtool.pl buildclean kernel" followed by
"./buildtool.pl build kernel" - wether that is enough or not mostly
depends on wether the kind of change you made (some of the information
is cached and not deleted in a "buildclean" run).

The thing you're stumbling over is probably that you're expecting the
build to be re-done, because the config changed - which is not how
buildtool works - if you've built something and wand to rebuild it, you
need to undo the "build" by "buildclean" (or even sourceclean, which
will undo the "source" and "build" targets).

I hope that clarifies things a bit.


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