Hi Andrew

on 19.06.2011 12:28, Andrew wrote:
> 19.06.2011 13:00, Erich Titl пишет:
>> Hi Andrew
>> on 18.06.2011 22:56, Andrew wrote:
>> ...
>>>> IMHO we should leave compiled packages out git, at least out of the main
>>>> tree, they are a nuisance there, even though it may brake the current
>>>> release process.
>>>> OK GIT gurus, what do I have to do to get back in sync? And please don't
>>>> tell me I have to start from scratch.
>>>> thanks
>>>> Erich
>>> Just do 'git pull'. It'll move all files to right place without
>>> interaction :)
>> mega@luna:~/leaf/bering-uclibc/devel/src/leaf>  git pull
>> et...@leaf.git.sourceforge.net's password:
>> remote: Counting objects: 432, done.
>> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (390/390), done.
>> remote: Total 428 (delta 69), reused 305 (delta 18)
>> Receiving objects: 100% (428/428), 4.98 MiB | 718 KiB/s, done.
>> Resolving deltas: 100% (69/69), completed with 2 local objects.
>>> From ssh://et...@leaf.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/leaf/leaf
>>     3abe67f..72d572c  master     ->  origin/master
>> error: Entry 'bering-uclibc4/buildtool/conf/buildtool.conf' not
>> uptodate. Cannot merge.
>> fatal: merging of trees 49f34d27fb5b96b1c79b3044c51a0641ed82ea55 and
>> 6c946c0253d8864b5965c24b86cee7fa6a657f75 failed
>> Great, what now? GIT is the fifth versioning system I am working with
>> and by far the most incomprehensible.
>> cheers
>> Erich
> Possible bering-uclibc4/buildtool/conf/buildtool.conf was modified?

Sure it was modified, my name is in there as packager, as probably yours
is there in your git repository.

Anyway, I tried

git stash
git pull
git stash pop

Now I have a modified tree.

But of course everything has to be built again and my development system
will churn now for at least another 6 hours and that is inconvenient. I
vote to stop such modifications until someone comes up with a tree
structure which will survive a few days.

> To discard all non-commited changes and return to original state of 
> project directory, do 'git reset --hard', and then try to pull again.

This is definitely not the goal. There are some experimental changes I
made which I don't want to commit right away, neither push them to the
main repository, basically because I am not yet convinced they are
reasonable, nor do I want to loose them.



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