03.11.2011 14:58, Erich Titl пишет:
> Hi Andrew
> at 03.11.2011 12:27, Andrew wrote:
>> 03.11.2011 11:28, Andrew пишет:
>>> P.S. linux kernel can load archived modules; this can slightly reduce
>>> memory consumption by ramfs.
>>    From now  'next' branch uses compressed modules - now default memory
>> footprint is ~20M; also it'll require much less RAM for module
>> auto-loading (compressed module tree weights ~10M instead of ~20M).
>> IMHO this modifocation also can be merged into 4.x branch (at first look
>> it shouldn't break anything)
> Let's see, the compression is just a simple gzip of the kernel modules
> on the media, which should be compressed anyway in the .lrp format.
Right. But .lrp is placed on big storage, and it's content - on ramdisk 
w/o compression.
> Once the (kernel) modules are loaded in kernel space there is IMHO no
> need to keep them in /lib/modules anyway, unless they need to be
> reloaded. The cheapest way to save space is to simply not use
> /lib/modules/kernel...... on the ram disk.
> cheers
> Erich
You never can surely know when somebody will need modules. For ex.: 
hotplug, new iptables rules...
Yes, modules can be cleaned in local.start if it's surely not needed - 
but generally they should be present in system.
Also compression decreases memory consumption for hardware autodetect 
for ~10MB.
It has just one side-effect - longer depmod/modprobe execution. IMHO 
this is not too critical - I think on i486 it'll take additional 10-20 
seconds max for booting. So why not to use it? :)

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