Yes, I would like to get the top.lrp package. I have not yet had the time
to build up development machine for LRP, so I cannot compile the package

I am using ISA nic-cards on the 486-machine, (and not even good ones,
cheap ne2000 clones), but I think I was not clear enough on my post;
at the moment I do not believe the LRP-machine is a bottleneck for
me (but would like to find out if it actually is, because I have a
bunch of P100-P133 machines with PCI bus on the closet).

I have tried, though briefly, to test my connection without the 486,
just used PPPoE client on my Linux box and the results were not any better.
Then again, my ADSL-link is provided by NTT, so nobody expects them
to deliver what they promise... 



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